Market Ready Asset Services

To counteract the competitive real estate environment, the Iris Construction Services team can help our clients to identify and correct vacant property deficiencies to allow the highest chance possible for a new tenant or owner. It is sometimes difficult for property owners to justify spending money on a vacant property.

Iris Construction Services can help the owner to identify areas of concern and focus on the “hot buttons” of prospective tenants or owners. Many owners achieve a three or four times return on their investment with a higher lease or sales price. In addition, our track record has shown that Market Ready Services performed on a building increase its chances of getting leased or purchased exponentially.

Market Ready Asset Services

  • Debris removal
  • Landscaping, curb appeal improvements
  • Office and warehouse painting and flooring upgrades
  • High efficiency lighting installed in office and warehouse utilizing ComEd rebates
  • Demolition of office or unnecessary structures
  • Roof patching or replacement
  • Plumbing fixture or bathroom panel replacements
  • Cleaning services

Ready to Partner with Iris Construction?

Contact us today to learn more about how we can partner with you to bring exceptional and reliable value-added construction services to your next project.

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